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Klikkið – Lyfjalaus geðdeild í Noregi

By October 5, 2019March 4th, 2020No Comments

Á dögunum hitti Auður Axelsdóttir Magnus P. Hald á fundinum The 24th International Network Meeting for the Treatment of Psychosis. Þau ræddu hans starf og þróun lyfjalausrar geðdeildar í Noregi.

Magnus er geðlæknir hjá Háskólasjúkrahúsi Norður Noregs. Hann var hluti af hópi sem þróaði nýjar tegundir meðferða á geðdeildum. Þessa dagana er hann að þróa starf spítalans á lyfjalausri meðferð.

Auður Axelsdóttir met with Magnus P. Hald at the 24th International Network Meeting for the Treatment of Psychosis which was held in Gothenburg recently. They discuss his work and the development of a drug free psychiatric ward in Norway. Magnus is a Psychiatrist at the University Hospital of North-Norway and is the director of the drug free ward at the hospital. As Director of Division of Mental Health and Substance Abuse at the University Hospital for 10 years, he tried to apply ideas from his work, both in organizing the service and in clinical work. He is now engaged in developing a drug free treatment unit within the hospital.