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Final stepping stones in our project – Síðustu skrefin í Stepping Stones verkefninu

Þessi grein er skrifuð af meðlimum Stepping Stones verkefnisins og er því á ensku.


We are approaching the end of this 2 year long journey in our wonderful project Stepping Stones. Many heads, hands and hearts have explored together the realm of recovery and put their energies towards the same goal: supporting others in recovering their mental health.


Since September this year, a few things have happened:


  1. We have brought to a final form the last tool we aimed for: the workbook for mental health recovery.


  1. Between September 1st and 7th, we organized a training course in Măguri-Răcătău, Romania, where 24 participants learned how to interact and work with the tools we developed.


The workbook for mental health recovery is a kind of structured personal journal, with daily practices and challenges that stimulate reflection and promote change in one’s internal processes. It is different from the visual guide in that it invites a more personal exploration and more intentional, deep self-work.


We made the first steps into creating the workbook during our last transnational meeting in the Netherlands, in March 2024. The workbook follows 16 topics that were again chosen based on the consultations that each of the partners had with recovering people in their communities: preparing for a medical visit, recognizing emotions, regulating emotions, communicating emotions, setting boundaries, mapping and accessing resources, self-advocacy, creating meaning in one’s life story, management of personal goals, identifying and meeting needs, energy management, cultivating joy, connecting with your values and expressing them, expressing your identity, building, maintaining and ending relationships, memento for difficult times.


The workbook is translated and available in English and also all the languages of the project: Italian, Dutch, Icelandic, and Romanian, and can be accessed for free here: 

In English: Stepping Stones_Workbook 2024_EN (1).pdf

In Icelandic: Stepping Stones_Workbook_IS (1).pdf


With all the materials at hand, we invited 24 people, 6 from each of the countries involved in the project, to have a first experience interacting with them. Two trainers from our team designed engaging activities and sessions around each of the three materials we designed: the visual guide, the educational videos, and the workbook. We wanted participants to first experiment with using these materials for their own benefit, and then reflect on other ways in which they could use the materials to support other people in their recovery process. At the end, all of them better understood what recovery means and also got a rich picture of how the visual guide, the videos and the workbook could support the recovery process.


Reaching the end of this journey, we wish to celebrate by sharing with you the story of our project and the hard work that we have done and we have decided to do that with a webinar.

The webinar will be live streamed on our facebook page: